Information For Authors

For Public Management and Governance Review, articles are invited by (guest) editors, and once articles have been submitted, expert reviewers are involved to provide additional feedback that needs to be incorporated by athors before publication. Once the journal's quality criteria are met, the (guest) editor decides for publication.
We invite researchers and practitioners to write their article with a focus on: (1) concrete problems and challenges identified for and by practitioners, and (2) scientifically supported recommendations to tackle these problems and challenges.
Evidently, these recommendations can and should be well supported with available literature, empirical findings from (combinations of) studies, theoretical considerations, and/or case-based evidence or experience.
As the focus of Public Management and Governance Review is on scientifically supported recommendations for practical problems, we do not apply a strict predefined structure or word count. Some recommendations can be made and clarified in a straightforward way, while other recommendations need more clarification, nuance, and contemplation. The structure and length of the article thus depends on the author’s contribution. However, we urge authors to pay attention to the following elements: (1) Clarify and explain core concepts adequately and with sufficient detail; (2) Provide (intuitive) examples as additional material; (3) Avoid unnecessary complex formulations (particularly regarding methodological elements); (4) Add figures and tables as they can help explain core concepts and reasonings. Make figures and tables as self-explaining as possible, but also provide enough clarification on them in the text to ensure unambiguous interpretation; and (5) Formulate recommendations in a constructive way, while illustrating how they can be practically implemented.
Articles will be published open access, to ensure practitioners in any type of organization have access to them.