======================== Using the style "regart" ======================== You may want to use the style regart whaich was developed for layout editing of articles for REGION on your own computer to see how your document will look when published in REGION. For that you need to download ALL the files in this directory and place them in a directory on your computer, which can be read by your LaTeX program. You can find instructions for this step for various operating systems at http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/1137/where-do-i-place-my-own-sty-or-cls-files-to-make-them-available-to-all-my-te Please note that in most cases it is not enough to store the files on your computer. Most likely you will also have to update the database that LaTeX uses to locate internal files. Once you have "installed" regart properly, you can use the style in your own work. For testing purposes use the file template.tex available on the homepage of REGION and replace its first line with: \documentclass[a4paper,twoside,final]{regart} This command uses the option "final", which generates a title page with all the graphics used by REGION. Alternative options are: - "review": suppresses author name(s) and puts line numbers and a watermark "for review only" on each page - "uncorrected": puts a watermark "uncorrected proof" on each page If you delete this option, the paper is formatted without the REGION header.