========================================== How to install REGION.bst on your computer ========================================== REGION.bst defines a BibTeX style that is used for REGION. It is based on the well known and widely used Chicago style. In order to use the REGION style, you need to have LaTeX installed and running properly on your computer. The style also needs the natbib package. BEFORE you do anything with REGION.bst, run a test with just the natbib package and the Chicago style. We suggest you create a test Bib-file with a few references and a test Tex-file that imports the natbib package and cites your test references with the Chicago style. For help, consult the natbib documentation at "http://merkel.zoneo.net/Latex/natbib.php". When this test works, search your computer for the file "Chicago.bst". It is probably found in its own subdirectory in a bst-directory. You need to place the file "REGION.bst" somewhere in this directory. To keep a clean structure, you may want to create a directory "REGION" parallel to the directory that holds the file "Chicago.bst" and place the file "REGION.bst" there. The directory structure may look somewhat like this: bibtex --+ | ... | +- bst --+ | ... | +- chicago --+ | | | +- chicago.bst ... | +- REGION ---+ | +- REGION.bst Depending on your operating system and your version of LaTeX you may have to update LaTeX's file database.